Friday, December 18, 2009

ICC set to revamp test Cricket!

A friend of mine reported on his blog that ICC is planning to introduce D&N test cricket soon to give the format a new lease of life. I am not all that convinced though.

International Cricket Council (ICC) has said it expects day-night test cricket within two years and described a world test cricket championship as a "work in progress".

Reuters reports that ICC president David Morgan said yesterday: "I'd be "surprised" if we don't see day-night test cricket within the next two years - surprised and disappointed."

I am huge fan of test cricket and in my opinion there is not too much wrong with the format except for the wickets and few other minor flaws.

Following is my comment on my friend’s blog:
"Too much to digest. D&N test cricket .. Well sounds interesting but appears only half baked.. There are too many issues to sort out before that happens and my guess is if ICC does not do enough home work it would turn out to be as ugly as the newly launched referral system."

"I wish some things can remain the way they are. White clothes, red cherry and day games. What needs to change is the state of wickets and grounds. Pitches if sporting can change the state of this sport. "

"I wish ICC can stick to basics rather than going for the jugular."

Read more at:


  1. Can't agree more. The Charm of Test Cricket should remain the way it is. As Steve Waugh once said, "first morning of the first test often decides the series..."

  2. Sonu, what are your real worries with day night test cricket apart from dress code and the old world charm?

  3. One of my major concerns is the "dew factor". Specially when you're playing on sub-continent wickets. It can become fatal for bowling sides!

  4. sorry bro but u got to move with the time, and in today's times when 20-20 is winning the top spot, u got to change the traditions and move forward... test cricket is becoming kinda boring, and i think d/n test can make it somewhat exciting... and i dont think there should be any problem in testing it... what if it turns out to be next ipl kinda thing.. lets take this change from open mind, and if it doesnt work, u can always rule it out..

  5. @Anonymous
    1) What are your real worries with the current state of test cricket?
    2)"I think d/n test can make it somewhat exciting". What makes you think that making it "somewhat" exciting can turn the corner?
    In my opinion, ODI's are at a bigger risk and 20-20 would eventually take ODI's out. Test cricket needs a few changes for sure but day and night alone is not going to change the fortunes. People have had enough of D&N and colored clothing for it to be as revolutionary as Kerry Packer’s World Series.
    There are bigger issues - Test playing nations, state of our wickets, too much cricket and so on. All I am saying is that test cricket has been around for more than a century and it is still the most revered form of cricket. I just wish our kids get to enjoy the same sport that we grew up on.
    I am all for change for it’s the only constant but too much too soon could mean hara-kiri.
