Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ridiculous BCCI

It’s hard to believe but its true – BCCI does not seem to have an official website. There are throngs of other sites with same or similar names to add to the confusion. Now either BCCI is completely unaware of the utility of hosting on the web or they don’t really care. If I would have to a take call I would go with the latter. BBCI is notorious for being run unprofessionally and this is just another simple proof. It is completely disgusting for world’s richest cricket board and the one which dictates all cricket played in the world to have absolutely no interface on the web. Do you know of any decent sports body that is so utterly unabashed?

Unprofessionalism of our cricket board is an oft publicized phenomenon and the overall state of sports in India is perfectly well reflected by the actions of our cricket board. Indian cricket is lucky to have fanatical fans that make a beeline for third class cricket stadiums and completely chaotic experience of watching a match at one of our grounds. There is complete lack of world class infrastructure barring few new grounds. Average Indian cricket fan is often taken for a ride and there is absolutely no doubt that BCCI is a money guzzling authority that cannot care less for the poor Indian fan. Time and again we have heard voices advocating a professionally run organization at the helm of Indian cricket but sadly sports management in India is an offshoot of politics and that in itself is case in point of inefficiency and unprofessionalism that plagues our country.


  1. Given the kind of nutshells that run this organisation, i guess there's nothing to be surprised for. These guys only know to spend millions on non-cricketing reasons.

  2. wikipedia reports that "" is the official website.

  3. and can you open BCCI.TV ... it says coming soon .. maybe in 2010 :)
