Friday, January 8, 2010

I am back and so is Patrick Vieira!!!

I am back after a brief hiatus and though I have not been blogging for more than a week, rest assured I was catching up on most of the International sports on the tube. What a wonderful couple of weeks these have been with loads of drama in football as well as cricket. Ah, so that reminds me to why I am here writing today and not tomorrow or a day after.

Looks like the first big January move has been wrapped up in Manchester and sorry but there are no prizes for guessing the Clubs name. Sir Alex still appear to be as uncertain about who he wants to bring to United as he is about the depth of his pocket. Quite contrary to how most English clubs are positioned financially, City seems to have the most supply even after the club reported £92.6 million loss in the year to 31 May 2009. Mancini appears to be a man possessed- with all the money- after a fine start at City and there is little doubt his bosses in Abu Dhabi would let him run amok if he wishes to- if not immediately than surely next summer.

It must therefore come as no surprise that Mancini has made the first big scalp as City has confirmed the arrival of Arsenal legend Patrick Vieira at £100,000-a-week. At 33, age is not on his side but with French International recall for the World Cup in sights, Vieira might have enough fire to power City to a Champs League birth ahead of Liverpool and Villa. Mancini would like to believe Vieira is still the same player as he was when they were together at Inter and it looks like a great move for City.

Read more about the Vieira story at:

PS: I have made some amount of interesting observations while watching sport over the last couple of weeks and I would soon be back with some interesting thoughts. Stay tuned…

1 comment:

  1. good to see you...was wondering why there are no more posts
