Monday, January 18, 2010

IPL auction 2010

IPL Auction 2010 as it happens:

I would be watching the show on ESPN and would try to get the big news as it unfolds.

- Lot of excitement building up as the auction nears. A total of 66 players and 12 slots available. Lots of players from ICL -the rebel league- and Pakistan would be up for grabs. Some of the big names for today are: Afridi, Pollard, Bond, Umar Gul, Eoin Morgan, Umar Akmal, Imran Nazir, Brad Haddin and Greame Swann.

- My top 3 picks for today are Afridi, Haddin and Morgan

- There could be an issue with buying Pakistan players owing to Visa issues popping up in the near future. It would be interesting what teams decide to pay for them.

- Afridi has failed to attract a bid at his base price. He was the first to go under the hammer but wasn't picked up. Maybe due to the cost and risk attached as mentioned earlier.

- It's Pollard next up and he appears to be the big draw for the day. Infact Pollard has attracted $750,000 bid from multiple teams and here comes the silent tie-breaker.

- Lack of interest for Pakistan players could continue considering the risk attached to them. If Afridi is not picked up, it's likely that none of the top Pak players would get a look.

- Mystery on Pollard continues. Silent tie breaker in progress. Highest bidder above $750,000 would get him.

 - News is that Mumbai Indians have grabbed Pollard but the amount is still unknown.

- Big news is that Haddin and Swann have not been bid for their base price. Quite a shock since Haddin could have been a brilliant pick for any team with a weak keeper. Infact he could have been worth for his batting alone.

- South African Wayne Parnell is up now.

- It is quite absurd to think that Parnell has been picked up by Delhi Daredevil's for a whopping $610,000

- Bond up next and if he could turn out to be a key pick now since Pakistan players appears to have been snubbed for reasons non-cricketing. Only concern could be his fitness.

- I am still quite bewildered about Parnell being picked by Delhi for the amount. Quite an expensive pick in my opinion with Nannes, Nehra and Sangwan all left arm pacers already in their ranks. Bond could have suited them better.

- Bond has caused another tie breaker with both KKR and Deccan Chargers bidding $750,000. Two teams would have to submit another bid and whoever quotes the bigger amount would take him.

- Quite surprising with the fact that Bond has attracted such a high bid. He has to keep fit and fire through the tournament to justify the tag.

- ESPN expert states that he is quite confused considering KKR had earlier entered a tie breaker for Pollard as well. Not sure what slot they are trying to fill.

- Finally KKR have their wish answered. They have picked Bond but the amount remains unknown.

- Kaif up next. Let's see who picks him up if at all.

- Kaif infact has been left out in cold. No team bid for him even at $100,000. Parnell for $750,000+ and not even $100,000 for Kaif- quite a surprise. The only Indian has gone unsold.

- Kemar Roach appears to be quite hot too. Lots of interest for the young West Indian from Deccan and Punjab. Punjab could need him to replace Lee if he decides to miss this years tournament.

- Ayaz Menon of ESPN mentions the fact that some of the prices appear to be quite outrageous. Far from a conservative auction many had expected this year.

- Roach has gone to champions Deccan chargers for $720,000. Serious money for sure. It would be Roach-Edwards partnership this year for Deccan chargers.

- Eoin Morgan now and he was one of my picks for the day. He can keep wickets along with his explosive batting skills. He would be a huge pick in my opinion.

- Royal Challengers have grabbed Morgan. This ends the top 2 pools and quite surprisingly ESPN has ended the live telecast. Pool 3 would be interesting for the Pakistani players and how the teams appraoch them.

I have to close the updates here to go and catch rest of the action someplace else. I would update here as soon as I have the final news.

News source from here on is :

- Ganga, Bollinger, Shakib and Tanvir have not been bid for. They remain unsold.

- Same fate for Chamara, Karman Akmal, Sarwan, Imran Nazir, Phillip Hughes and even Justin Kemp.

- No Pakistan players has been bid for and as feared it could be due to non-cricketing reasons.

- No aussie has been bid for till now but Damien Martyn has now attracted some attention as Rajasthan get him for $100,000 - his base price.

- Its getting quite boring with most of the players now going unsold. Not much fun.

- Infact Modi is trying to speed up the process by asking the teams to submit a list of players they want. Auction will happen only in case of a clash of interest.

- Surprisingly Kaif has come up now for auction and has been picked up by Punjab at 250,000. Good for Kaif and well deserved too considering he was touted as a future Indian captain soon after he started out.

- Finally it's Kemp for Chennai, Adam Voges for Rajasthan and Yusuf Abdulla for Punjab.

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